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Counseling Corner

Photo of Tracy Caruso


School Counselor

Tracy Caruso


School counseling at SES to support the needs of our students in three main areas: 

  • Academic support (schedule needs, registration, interventions, credit tracking and planning, etc.)
  • Social / emotional support (counseling check-ins, conflict resolution, crisis support, mental health resources and referrals, etc.)
  • Career / college support (college application support, career and college exploration, etc.)  

This page contains information that is helpful for all students throughout the school year. However, some information from the school counselors varies depending on the time of year. The information below is communicated through Friday Field Notes:

  • College Visits at SES 
  • Scholarship Opportunities
  • College Fairs and other Informational Events
  • Logistics for Standardized Testing

Academic Supports

At SES students have the ability to earn up to 24 credits/year with a full course load:  

  • House (3 credits per trimester)
  • Earth/Sky or Career Development courses (4 credits per trimester)
  • Intensive Theme (1 credit per trimester)


SES Resources/Supports

  • Study Hall available each trimester
    • 90 minutes every other day
    • Supervised by the student's house teachers
  • P/NC option for up to 1 class / trimester (more information below)
  • Intensive Theme / Field Study options for Phy Ed / Wellness credits
  • Teachers are available and very willing to provide support to students
    • Before school (7:10 - 7:30)
    • After school (2:15-3:10) - except on Tuesdays when we have building-wide staff meetings
    • Remember: It is ALWAYS best to pre-arrange time for support to ensure teacher availability.
  • Cultural Family Advocates are available to connect with students and families


District 196 Resources/Supports

  • Credit recovery through the student's home high school - after school
  • Credit recovery through Adult Basic Education (ABE) - afternoons and evenings


Community Resources/Supports

  • Homework Help at Dakota County libraries (no appointment required)
    • Burnhaven Library (Burnsville) - Wednesdays 5-7p
    • Galaxie Library (Apple Valley) - Tuesdays 5-7p
    • Kaposia Library (South St. Paul) - Wednesdays 3:30-6:30p
    • Wentworth Library (West St. Paul) - Tuesdays 5-7p
  • Free online live tutoring every day from 1:00 - 11:00p through Brainfuse Homework Help Now in English and Spanish for all subjects

Taking a class "Pass / No Credit"

  • All high school students in District 196 can sign-up for one class as P/NC per trimester.
    • If a student earns at least 60% and/or completes essential learnings as outlined by the instructor, they will earn credit towards graduation, but instead of a letter grade a "P" will be on their transcript, which does NOT affect the calculation of their GPA.
    • If a student is NOT able to earn 60% and/or show understanding of essential learnings as outlined by the instructor, they will NOT earn credit towards graduation, but instead of an "F" an "NC" will be on their transcript, which does NOT affect the calculation of their GPA.
  • Students must complete a Google Form and indicate which parent/guardian approves this option.
  • The Google Form can be requested through the teacher or school counselor and must be filled out before conferences of the trimester you want it to apply. 

If you are a prospective Division I/II college athlete, please check in with your counselor, as this could have college implications.

Counseling Resource Links: