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Environmental Science - Grade 11

Environmental Science - Grade 11

Concepts and skills from Environmental Science, English and Social Studies are woven throughout the thematic, interdisciplinary curriculum.

From the Environmental Science perspective, students will engage in in-depth inquiry into the scientific aspects of ecological and environmental issues. Students will gain a basic understanding of ecology and natural history.

From the English perspective, students will develop their skills in critical reading, writing and thinking as they analyze significant works of both fiction and nonfiction literature from a variety of times and places. Students will develop their skills in descriptive, analytical, persuasive and technical writing. Students will develop their presentation skills, as well as their ability to work effectively in cooperative groups.

From the Social Studies perspective, students will develop the attitudes and skills of historical and geographic analysis while exploring themes of world history and philosophy. Students will gain a basic understanding of world cultures as well as world history, particularly of Western civilization.

As students work to gain understanding in their Thematic Studies (House) course, they will complete activities, projects and assignments that lead to a relevant, real-world assessment of their progress. Students will have the opportunity to participate in actual environmental or conservation issues through a variety of individual and group activities.

Prerequisite: None

Environmental Science - Grade 11
Environmental Science - Grade 11
  • Grade 11