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College Algebra, Probability, and Statistics (CAPS)

College Algebra, Probability, and Statistics (CAPS)

Infinite Campus/Academic Planner Course Number: 9533

College Algebra, Probability, and Statistics (CAPS) have been designed to meet the needs of seniors who have a demonstrated an interest in continuing their mathematics study beyond Algebra 2, but are not intending to pursue a post-secondary course of study with a math/science focus. The target group of students include those who demonstrate skills and abilities in mathematics, but struggled. This may be problematic for success in Pre-Calculus. Typically students in CAPS earned C's or D's in Algebra 2 Topics will include analyzing data, chance and probability, functions and trigonometry.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra 2, teacher recommendation

College Algebra, Probability, and Statistics (CAPS)
College Algebra, Probability, and Statistics (CAPS)
  • Non-Honors/AP